Cracked Heels Treatment Melbourne | Your Foot Clinic (2025)

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Pressure on the feet is normal. Walking, running, exercise and daily routines put a lot of force through these complex and important structures. When combined with lifestyle factors and/or genetics, this pressure, however, can cause cracks to occur in the heels.

It’s a very common issue. And the good news is, it can be remedied with treatment and followed up with a good routine at home. There are four parts to our treatment regime for cracked heels:

  1. Removal – with the aim of reducing the cracks to a normal level
  2. Assessment – looking at the healthy skin underneath to check for signs of infection or other issues
  3. Treatment – a combination of in-clinic and at home treatments to resolve, manage and prevent the condition in the future
  4. Advice – after care and guidance for proactive self management at home.

What Causes Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels – where the skin on the back of the heels splits – can have a number of causes. Usually, these factors combine together to contribute to the condition occurring and, sometimes, worsening over time:

  • Not hydrating or moisturising enough – not drinking enough water or failing to care for the feet as part of your regular routine can contribute to cracked heels
  • Poor footwear – wearing hard, unsupportive footwear or choosing to go barefoot regularly. This is often why the condition is worse in the summer when people are wearing open shoes
  • Environment – heaters used in winter can be bad for the skin as they dry it out. Standing on hard floors for long periods of time can also cause the heels to eventually start to crack
  • Increase in body weight – we all carry lots of weight through the heels, so additional pressure on the soft tissue can cause it to crack and split
  • Genetics – biomechanical factors can mean a person is simply more prone to experiencing more pressure through their heels, or to dry skin.

Cracked Heels Symptoms

There are a number of symptoms which are often present depending on the severity of the issue in each patient:

  • Dry, white, flaky appearance on the heels and the heels feeling itchy
  • Very minor splits on the skin’s surface through to quite deep cracks. At first, patients sometimes just notice that the small cracks get caught on their socks. Over time these can deepen
  • If the condition worsens and the cracks become deeper, then they can bleed as the healthy skin underneath is affected. This is usually when patients report pain and discomfort. At this stage even standing can be painful.

If the healthy tissue underneath becomes affected it can increase the risk of infection if the cracks are not treated. Once bacteria causes an infection in the area, patients are advised to see their GP for additional treatment, such as antibiotics, to avoid complications such as cellulitis in the legs.

Cracked Heels Treatment Melbourne | Your Foot Clinic (3)

Cracked Heels Treatment

In both our Clinics we treat patients with cracked heels in the following way:

  • Debride – using a scalpel blade, we remove as much of the excessive dry, hard, thick skin as possible. Then we use a sanding machine to smooth down the hard skin so that the foot can start to heal and the splits can close back up.
  • Assess – we then look for, and treat, any underlying issues or infections in the rest of the foot and surrounding healthy tissue
  • Moisturise – the key is to get moisture into the area. We apply a 40% urea cream and then wrap the feet in a dressing to be worn for up to two days. This keeps the cream on the foot allowing it to soak into skin
  • Repeat – we often ask patients to repeat this at home where they can use GladWrap or socks to protect the feet whilst the cream absorbs
  • Prevent – patients are given advice on how to care for, and prevent, the calluses and cracked heels from recurring in the future; as well as how to choose appropriate footwear that cushions and protects the heel pads.

With patients suffering from severe calluses we advise regular, consistent treatment until the skin is back to normal. It can take weeks or months to fully resolve.

Everyone’s skin and hair is different. Moisturisers for the skin are quite personal and we help patients choose the right one for them. Heel balms (also called dermal foot balms) are usually a popular choice as they have a high concentration of urea (a substance that allows the moisturiser to absorb into the skin more), are very thick and have minimal chemicals.

Sometimes a blister dressing can be used to trap the moisture and promote healing.

Soaking the feet in a foot bath with lukewarm, soapy water for 20 minutes usually also provides some relief for patients.

How to Prevent Cracked Heels

Once treated, we provide patients with guidance to maintain the health of their feet at home and avoid the condition recurring.

Here are our top recommendations to protect the heels:

  • Moisturise the feet regularly with a urea-based cream to keep the skin soft and supple
  • Wear footwear that protects the feet, especially the heel pads and couple these with stockings or socks
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking water and including essential fatty acids in the diet to help keep the skin hydrated
  • Regular, low impact exercise helps improve circulation to heal any cracks that do occur.

Why Choose Your Foot Clinic?

Our team of five Podiatrists have over 40 years of experience and treat a wide range of foot, ankle and lower limb issues with specialist knowledge and equipment on-site. Book an appointment today at either of our two Clinics – Ferntree Gully or Doncaster East.

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Cracked Heels Treatment Melbourne | Your Foot Clinic (2025)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.